

Agate is a stone that works well for most metaphysical needs. Cleansing, grounding, soothing, and calming are just some of the benefits from working with this stone. Agate helps dissolves our resentments, bringing a sense of harmony to the situation. Agate builds our self esteem with gentle energy. 

Chakras: Root, Sacral, more depending on variety of Agate

Zodiac: Gemini, varies depending on variety of Agate

Planet: Mercury, varies depending on variety of Agate 

Other types of Agate:

Blue Lace Agate

This calming blue stone works with our centers of communication. Our highest truths can be expressed freely by warding off fears of rejection and judgement from others. We can be our most authentic selves with Blue Lace Agate. The light blue hues of this stone bring a gentle energy and sense of peace, making it a more accessible stone to work with. 

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye, Heart, Crown

Zodiac: Gemini, Pisces

Moss Agate

Moss Agate releases past blockages, works on new beginnings. It helps refresh the soul and see the beauty in everything. See Agate

Chakras: Root, Sacral, Throat

Zodiac: Virgo

Planet: Mercury


Amazonite is another good stress reduction stone. It can help with situations where we are feeling overwhelmed. Amazonite is also a good reasoning stone, helping us gain new perspective and see all sides of an argument or situation. This soothing stone can also help release past wounds and traumas, leaving room for new healthy patterns to be made. It allows us to speak our truths that we may not have otherwise been able to speak. That makes Amazonite a great emotional balancing stone as well.

Chakra: Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat

Zodiac: Virgo


Amethyst is a wonderful entry stone to the world of crystals. One of my first recommendations to anyone looking for a start. The purple variety of Quartz is a deeply spiritual and meditative stone. Providing us a sense of peace ,it can be great for those needing a change of pace in their busy lives. Amethyst helps us access deeper spiritual wisdom. Amethyst also provides a baseline healing energy, healing for spiritual, emotional and physical needs. This combination of spirituality with mental healing works well for people struggling with addictions or loss. 

Chakra: Third Eye, Crown

Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces

Planet: Jupiter, Neptune


Stone for personal empowerment, Ammolite reminds us that our hard work pays off. This opalized version of the fossil helps jumpstart our creativity. Ammolite increases our self-awareness, intuition, and overall well-being. This protective and grounding stone also reminds us of the natural cycles of life.

Chakras: Root, Third Eye


Ammonites have been seen throughout history, dating back to medieval times. The ammonite was frequently used for protection, to ward off evil spirits. It is said to hold ancient wisdom. Ammonites can help take negative energy and transform it into uniform, flowing positive energy. Ammonites remind us of the natural cycles of life and help us to see our place in this big world. It can help with inner wisdom work in that sense. 

Chakras: Third Eye

Zodiac: Aquarius


Apatite is a great stone for manifestation. It helps us visualize our future goals while also reflecting and taking lessons from past situations, mistakes. Apatite can help clear out blockages, particularly frustration. This stone releases these past energies through our root chakra. Apatite helps remove self-doubt and guide our decision making. This can be in everyday things or in bigger picture life decisions, whatever the choice is Apatite can help you arrive at your decision with a strengthened sense of clarity. 

Chakras: Third eye, root

Zodiac: Gemini


The cooling blues of Aquamarine actively work to lower our anxiety and soothe our stress. Aqua allows us to be our highest selves. This communication stone helps bring closure to situations, with honest conversations to tie up loose ends. Self-expression is enhanced when working with Aquamarine. 

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye

Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Pisces

Planet: Moon


Aventurine is a happy, joyful stone. This stone’s positive energy drives all negativity away. Aventurine brings a gentle sense of peace. 

Chakras: Heart

Zodiac: Aries

Planet: Mercury 


Carnelian is a powerful energy stone. This stone works rapidly to recharge all chakras and your entire energetic body. Carnelian encourages positive life choices and empowers you to make those choices. This stone helps foster stronger trust in yourself. Carnelian will cleanse and recharge your other crystals!

Chakras: Root, sacral

Zodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio

Planet: Sun


Charoite can help us rejuvenate when our energy is depleted. This crown chakra stone can help us get more restful sleep, overcoming insomnia. Charoite can help provide powerful perspective on outside situations. We can accept our present reality and the things we can control with Charoite. 

Chakras: Heart, crown

Zodiac: Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius


This stone helps foster clear and meaningful communication. Chrysocolla is a gentle stone by nature, creating a safe environment to communicate from the heart. This stone will help ease any feelings of guilt or negativity and replaces these feelings with happiness. Chrysocolla brings a heightened sense of self-love. Helps us to accept the things we cannot control.

Chakras: cleanses all chakras

Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Taurus

Planet: Venus 


This bright stone brings a lightness and positivity to heart healing. Chrysoprase brings forth one’s truest self, particularly with relationships. A stone of optimism, Chrysoprase promotes hope and fosters compassion for a brighter energy in one’s daily life. This stone can also stimulate our creativity, bringing forth one’s true talents. 

Chakras: Sacral, Heart

Zodiac: Taurus

Planet: Venus 


Citrine is the stone for prosperity, the encouraging energy of this stone can bring significant abundance to our lives. Citrine boosts our self-esteem, giving us a boost of motivation. This stone is a massive manifestation stone, helping us visualize and achieve the things we have been dreaming about. Helps on a practical level to bring abundance in every area of our lives. Citrine is overall a joyful, happy stone! 

Chakra: Sacral, Crown, cleanses and re-energizes all

Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra

Planet: Sun


This earthy stone releases negative emotions and clears up depression, jealousy, and guilt. Eudialyte is a powerful self-love stone, giving us an extra boost of compassion for ourselves. This stone is extra helpful during times of intense or immediate change. Eudialyte reminds us to be kind to ourselves.

Chakras: Root, Heart

Zodiac: Virgo


Fluorite helps us to refocus, by helping bring organization to your life. It can help bring structure to your thoughts and your life. Fluorite can bring a sense of peace and will help remove stress. Fluorite is a great stone for learning new things and memory. 

Chakra: Heart, cleanses all

Zodiac: Capricorn, Pisces

Planet: Mercury


Powerful energizer, protector. Warn against approaching danger. Inspires love and devotion. Removes inhibitions. Opens heart chakra, encourages self-confidence. Helpful for working through traumatic situations. Solidifies survival instinct, courage and hope. Encourages asking for help, mutual assistance. Love stone, sensual stone.

Chakras: Root, Heart, purifies & energizes all

Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Aquarius

Planet: Mars 


A deeply earthy stone, Hematite grounds and protects us. Hematite provides an added sense of security and stability, giving us a confidence boost. This stone helps dissolve our ego and allows us to learn from our mistakes in a productive way. Hematite will help align mind, body, and spirit as one. This stone has a deep connection with the earth, which can be felt with the energy of the stone. 

Chakra: Root

Zodiac: Aquarius, Aries

Herkimer Diamond

A great spiritual stone to enhance spiritual depth. Helpful for understanding one’s inner self on a deeper level. Attunement to past life to help with self growth. Releasing, transforming, soul searching. High vibrational.

Chakra: Third Eye, purifies all

Zodiac: Sagittarius


Be your truest self, no longer hiding behind fake personas. Connect to your own inner wisdom. Absorbs anger, brings peace. Good meditation stone. Helps realize new goals, manifests in those goals. Calm communication.

Chakras: Third Eye

Zodiac: Gemini


Iolite is known as the visionary stone, it helps clear our mind from things that distract us. Iolite can help release us from addictions and obsessive thinking. It also helps us take personal responsibility in order to move forward in life. 

Chakras: Third Eye


Jade is a long known sacred stone for good luck. Jade can bring success and good fortune. Jade brings feelings of serenity and peace. Wear or carry Jade for abundance in all ventures. 

Chakras: Third Eye

Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra


Jasper is a stone with many different varieties, each with their own metaphysical benefits. The entire group of Jaspers exudes stable, protective, and grounding energy. Jasper works quickly with your energy to give you a pep in your step for the day! 

Chakras: All, specific chakras depending on type

Zodiac: Leo

Mookaite Jasper

An earthy variation of Jasper, Mookaite Jasper helps us connect to our ancestors with new perspective. Mookaite can help relieve stress and provide deep inner peace. This Jasper also brings added protective energy. 

Chakra: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Zodiac: Leo

Ocean Jasper

This variety of Jasper reminds us of the cycles of life and provides comfort in the challenges that come with change. Ocean Jasper encourages us to take responsibility in our past, present, and future. We can find ourselves confronting old emotions with Ocean Jasper, by dissolving those feelings this Jasper helps bring a new sense of balance.

Chakra: Heart, Solar Plexus

Zodiac: Leo

Picture Jasper

This variety of Jasper reminds us of our deep connection to Mother Earth. We are reminded not only of our connection to our natural surroundings but also our connection to each other. Learning about our connections is encouraged through this stone by bringing forth past situations to learn from previous mistakes.

Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Third Eye

Zodiac: Leo


“A useful healer for anyone who grew up too fast” -Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals p. 30 Kunzite is an extremely high vibrational stone exuding unconditional love. This stone’s loving energy provides the framework to help heal past trauma and adjust to new chapters of life. Kunzite is also a wonderful stone for those who are struggling to get into their meditation practice.

Chakra: Heart, throat, third eye

Zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio

Planet: Venus, Pluto


Kyanite never needs to be cleansed, it can amplify high vibrational energies. Helps illuminate your path, understanding past decisions and revealing the present result of those decisions. Good meditative stone, helping connect our mind and spirit to a higher level. Finding our true identity. Helps us on our spiritual journey. Speaking one’s truth! Remove fears and anxieties, allowing you to be more open to your truth. Releases frustration and stress.

Chakras: Throat

Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Libra


This mystical, protective stone is a wonderful intuitive stone. Labradorite works to shield and protect your energy so you can tap into your own inner guidance. Labradorite can help remove fears and insecurities. The intuitive guidance from Labradorite assists with clear decision making. Will help with the tough decisions and major life choices. 

Chakras: Third Eye, crown

Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius


Lapis is an ancient stone used for thousands of years, particularly in Egypt and favored amongst royals. This stone heightens awareness, helping you deepen your spiritual attunement. Lapis engages active listening and assists with bringing forward your inner truth. Personal spiritual empowerment is on the rise with Lapis. The combination of honest communication and empowerment leads to taking charge of one’s life, which is encouraged with Lapis. 

Chakras: Crown, Third Eye, Throat

Zodiac: Sagittarius 


Only found in the Dominican Republic, Larimar makes for one rare stone. This naturally Caribbean blue stone brings an intense soothing energy, while also fostering compassion. This stone can also help with a calm, peaceful meditation by harmonizing your inner energies. Helps with manifestation and attaining our goals. Brings a “go with the flow” attitude that could come from its oceanic nature. 

Chakras: Throat, Heart, Third Eye, Solar Plexus, Crown

Zodiac: Leo


Lepidolite is an excellent stress reducer, this stone contains lithium, which helps us to stabilize our emotions. Lepidolite can also help us set and achieve healthy goals. This stone protects us from EMF. Lepidolite is the ultimate relief stone. 

Chakras: Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Zodiac: Libra

Planet: Jupiter, Neptune


Malachite assists us with releasing toxic emotions and letting go of past relationships. Malachite works deeply with the heart chakra to cleanse the spirit of any unwanted energies. Malachite serves as the ultimate energetic detox!

Chakras: Heart, solar plexus, root, sacral

Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn

Planet: Venus


Moldavite was formed when a meteorite crashed into earth, more specifically the Czchec Republic. This intense combustion caused what we call “space glass” to form, more formally Moldavite is a member of the Tektite family. Metaphysically, this stone brings a different kind of energy to the table. It’s the ultimate stone of transformation, helping raise your deeper spiritual awareness. This stone is particularly good for grounded people. Those who have an established meditation practice or are already exploring their deeper spiritual selves may find this stone even more helpful on their journey. The energy from Moldavite can be intense, so it is best to see how you personally feel and react when using it. Come to the experience with no expectations and let the stone guide you. I’m always happy to discuss more about Moldavite - if you have any additional questions please message me on Instagram @oceansedgesilver. 

Chakras: All

Zodiac: All, especially Scorpio


This stone helps us balance our emotions, bringing our highs and lows to a balance. Rainbow Moonstone is a stone facilitating new beginnings. Moonstone is a very cyclical stone, similar to the Moon and its energies. This correlation helps remind us that we are part of a larger cycle, connected to the rest of humanity.

Chakras: Third Eye, Solar Plexus, All

Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio

Planet: Moon 


Obsidian is a go-to stone for protection, works to deflect all negative and toxic energies. By blocking this negativity, Obsidian will clear the mind from distractions, providing one with increased insight. This inner work also makes room for the soul to cleanse and remove past blockages. This removes any excess inner negativity. 

Chakras: Root, Sacral

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Planet: Saturn

Gold Sheen Obsidian

This specific type of Obsidian helps bring a sense of balance by illuminating what needs attention. Gold Sheen Obsidian seeks the core of the problem and helps resolve any conflicts. See Obsidian. 

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Third Eye

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Planet: Saturn


Opal is an intuitive guide, looking out to protect oneself. It helps enhance inner feelings, which helps explore your inner guide. Opal grows one’s self-worth, furthering understanding of your full potential. 

Chakras: Varies depending on color

Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces 

Some types of Opal are: Boulder, Ethiopian, Dendritic, Owyhee

Dendritic Opal

Dendritic Opal works to bring a renewed sense of spirituality, bringing harmony. All about organization, Dendritic Opal clarifies thoughts to help attain an answer to tricky situations with non-judgementalism. See Opal.

Chakras: All

Zodiac: Pisces

Blue Opal

Owyhee Blue Opal

This specific type of Opal brings peace and quiet strength. Helping overcome our shyness, it can provide strengthened communication. It can help us be more pragmatic in our ways we choose to communicate. Meaningful & mindful communication. 

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye

Petrified Wood

Petrified wood is a deeply grounding stone, as its origins are so tied to our natural world. Petrified wood can help you in your exploration of past lives or resolving past traumas. This stone provides a place for the spiritual work to be done while keeping you grounded. 

Chakras: Cleanses and stabilizes all

Zodiac: Leo

Planet: Neptune


Prehnite provides peace and protection, making it an ideal healing stone. Many say this stone “heals the healer” making it perfect for any individuals in caregiving positions. Prehnite can also help declutter the mind, making way for divine manifestation. 

Chakras: Heart, Third Eye

Zodiac: Libra

with Epidote

Epidote enhances our perceptions, allowing us to have an increased sense of clarity on many murky situations. This enhances our personal power and helps us practice good self-care.

Chakra: Heart

Zodiac: Gemini

Palo Santo

Palo Santo is an ancient wood incense to be used to cleanse energy. Palo Santo translates to “holy wood” and has been used for over thousands of years as a healing medicine in various cultures. The earliest uses originated in South America. The Palo Santo wood can be burned as incense, letting the scent and smoke from the wood flow freely around the crystals or the room. This burning cleanses all energy that may be lingering in the stones or home. 


This stone is a confidence stone, building self-assurance and empowering leadership. Pyrite overcomes our anxieties, frustrations and acts as an energy shield. Pyrite always bring a sense of positivity. 

Chakras: Root, Sacral

Zodiac: Leo

Planet: Mars


One of the most recognized and widely used crystals, Quartz does it all. This stone is regarded as the ultimate healer, amplifier, and cleanser. This powerhouse does it all, making it the perfect starter stone that will be a go-to in your collection. Quartz actively clears the existing energies that your other stones may carry. This stone helps enhance our communication and removes distractions from our meditation practice. By stabilizing inner peace, Quartz works to heal through harmonizing aspects of our spirit through meditation and joining this with the body. Different formations of the Quartz crystal help focus on specific needs. Similarly, the color varieties of Quartz (Rose, Smoky) have a variety of metaphysical benefits. 

Chakras: All

Zodiac: All

Planets: Sun, Moon 

Golden Rutilated Quartz/Star Rutile

This is a high-vibrational version of Quartz. This is a deeply healing variation of Quartz working on helping us find balance between the present and our higher consciousness. This stone assists on our spiritual journeys and draws out negative energies that do not serve us. 

Lodolite Quartz, Secret Garden Quartz, Shaman Quartz

This is a deeply powerful variety of Quartz, bringing a shift in our consciousness. This Quartz can provide us new insight into old situations, showing us things we may not have previously acknowledged. A stone that radiates love and strength, old fears are gone and transformation begins with Lodolite Quartz.


Rhodochrosite is a joyful, loving stone. The energy of this stone is complete compassion. Rhodochrosite helps to move on from past relationships and heal from past trauma. This pink stone encourages us to move forward with a renewed sense of lightheartedness.

Chakras: Heart, solar plexus, root

Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio

Planet: Mars

Rose Quartz

This pink variety of Quartz is one of the most widely recognized stones out there! Rose Quartz is a wonderful beginner stone and works well as an introduction to the rest of the crystal & metaphysical world. Rose Quartz facilitates and supports all kinds of love, whether that be romantic, platonic, or self love! This beloved pink healer will gently work with your heart chakra to open it up to new love and help repair old wounds. Rose Quartz works gently and peacefully making it the perfect place to start your journey.

Chakras: Heart

Zodiac: Taurus, Libra

Planet: Venus


Ruby is a historically sacred stone, revered for its deep heart healing and protection. Known as the shield stone, Ruby protects all that is close to your heart. This stone is also incredibly energizing, it can restore your energy with new motivation while breaking down negative energies you may be harboring. Ruby helps us visualize our goals with newfound clarity and helps us achieve these goals we create.

Chakras: Root, Sacral, Heart

Ruby Zoisite

This stone is an extreme heart healer, releasing our grief, heartbreak, and dissolving trauma. Ruby Zoisite fosters positive, loving energy for an increased sense of safety particularly amongst new relationships. Works on opening heart chakra while still protecting the heart. 

Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart


Sapphire is a high-vibrational stone, as well as a historic sacred stone. In ancient times Sapphire was once the “cure for foulness and envy”. This stone is the ultimate wisdom stone, providing us with intuitive guidance that we may not have previously had. Sapphire helps to keep us on the spiritual path we are on. In order to keep focused on this journey, Sapphire can also bring peace of mind, balancing our internal energies, and aid in concentration.

Chakras: Throat


Selenite is a natural cleanser. This stone draws out all absorbed negativity, bringing a renewed sense of peace. This peacefulness can be felt in the environment of the Selenite, making it a good stone for common areas. Selenite creates a space where one can create and achieve goals with a sense of clarity.

Chakras: Crown, All

Zodiac: Taurus

Planet: Moon


Seraphinite is often known as one of the more angelic stones around. Both in appearance and energetically this stone comforts us with the gentle, deeply spiritual energy. This stone helps us to live from our true heart and connect with the Divine Feminine. Seraphinite gently releases our old emotional patterns that no longer serve us and helps us to renew lost social connections. Best to use on spiritual journeys when looking for a more subtle high vibrational stone. 

Chakra: Third Eye, crown, heart

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Smoky Quartz

One of the most efficient grounding stones, Smoky Quartz helps us feel more connected to our inner self. Smoky Quartz works to cleanse one’s energy, filling that space with positivity. Smoky Quartz helps us review past situations and leave things that no longer serve us in the past. This variation of Quartz also heals trust issues, especially when one may lack trust. See Quartz.

Chakras: Root

Zodiac: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn


Sodalite is the stone of harmony, insight, and intuition. This throat chakra stone works in tandem with the Third Eye. Sodalite shows us new insights into situations we may not have seen before. This process creates new inner trust in ourselves. Sodalite helps us speak our truth more freely. 

Chakra: Throat

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Planet: Venus


This stone is great for those who feel deeply connected to the spiritual world, who may also feel the need to be more grounded in their present life. Sugilite helps us be more open to love and dissolves old conflicts. This high-vibrational stone is deeply spiritual, reflective, which provides us with a deeper understanding of ourselves. 

Chakra: Heart, Third Eye, Crown

Zodiac: Virgo, Sagittarius

Planet: Jupiter


Sunstone can be an extra zap of energy to your spirit. This is a motivational stone, one that will help you with self-empowerment. Sunstone will foster healthy independence and work to gently lift our bad moods. Sunstone also helps us resist procrastination and stay focused on our goals. 

Chakras: Root, sacral, solar plexus, cleanses all

Zodiac: Leo, Libra

Planet: Sun

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is an uplifting stone, pulling us out of dark moods. This stone can also help us with making decisions. Tiger’s Eye serves us as a gentle healer for things like self-worth or blocked creativity. This is a perfect stone to have by your side when making changes. 

Chakras: Third Eye

Zodiac: Leo, Capricorn

Planet: Sun

Red Tiger’s Eye

In addition to the properties of Tiger’s Eye, Red Tiger’s Eye helps us complete our goals with more energy. There is a higher sense of confidence & increased motivation with this stone. 

Chakras: Root

Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio


There are many different varieties of Tourmaline, each working with specific parts of our being. In general, Tourmaline is a great mood booster and protector. It guards our personal energy and repels any unwanted energy. Tourmaline is a grounding stone, with a very earthy feeling. Tourmalines can also help unblock blocked energies in the body, by unblocking these areas it allows energies to flow more freely. 

Chakras: Protects all chakras

Zodiac: Libra

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is known as the ultimate protector, working as a shield against toxic energy. This stone is particularly helpful for empaths, who frequently take on others' energy. There is a higher understanding of one’s self with Black Tourmaline, which works to actively keep one grounded. Black Tourmaline can also help with thinking clearly. 

Chakras: Root, protecting all

Zodiac: Capricorn

Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline is a heart activator, connecting us to our Higher Self. There is an added inner security with Watermelon Tourmaline. This vibrant variety balances our emotions and helps us express ourselves clearly. Joyful stone. 


This extremely rare & high vibrational stone brings us to a deep, profound meditative state. This spiritual stone helps us on our journey to other states of consciousness, particularly connecting us with our spirit guides. Tanzanite encourages next level spiritual awakening. Tanzanite helps create space for new patterns in one’s life. Old toxic habits dissolve away. Extremely helpful for workaholics, helping rebalance priorities and take time for one’s self. 

Chakras: Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces


Turquoise is a deeply powerful stone. Turquoise enhances our communication and intuition. Helping us speak our truth, Turquoise also protects our spirit. Turquoise can also be a great reliever for burnout or sadness. Encourages creativity. 

Chakras: Throat, third eye

Zodiac: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces

Planet: Jupiter, Venus, Neptune